When it comes to income taxes, many people assume that saving means spending more money on eligible deductions. While certain expenses can be deductible, tax planning is much more than just blindly spending more money to save in income tax. Smart tax planning involves restructuring your finances, optimizing deductions, and making strategic decisions that can save you significant money without necessarily requiring excessive spending.
Tax Planning
Defined Benefit Plans: Tax Savings & Advantages for S Corporations
Implementing and managing defined benefit plans can be complex, requiring professional guidance and expertise. However, when planned and executed correctly DBPs can provide significant tax savings and retirement benefits. Financial advisors, actuaries, and tax consultants can provide the necessary knowledge and support to navigate the intricacies of these plans, ensuring compliance and maximizing the tax-savings potential for S Corporations. Please consult with your advisory team especially your financial advisor to determine the viability of a DBP for your business.
5 Things Every S Corporation Owner Should Know
There are few things in the tax world that have as much misunderstanding and misinformation than S Corporations. S Corporations can help small businesses achieve various goals but only if set up and administered correctly with a good understanding of the tax law. Below are 5 things every S Corporation owner should know, and should have known prior to being taxed as an S Corporation.
The Pass-Through Entity (“PTE”) Election: Is It Right for Your Small Business?
The PTE election can be a valuable tool in helping small businesses deduct more of their state income tax payments. Determining if the PTE election is viable for your small business depends on many factors that aren’t able to be covered here.
Start Planning Now for Higher Tax Rates in 2026
The sunsetting of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is fast approaching, and with it comes the expiration of many of the provisions that have been in place since the act was passed in 2017. One of the most significant changes that will occur when the TCJA sunsets is an increase in tax rates […]